Sunday, February 7, 2010

9. Temple Grandin (2010, Biopic)

Movie #9: Temple Grandin (2010, Biopic)

I had been growing discouraged in this movie project. After Observe and Report and New York City Serenade can you really blame me? All that frustration went out the window when my roommate DVRed HBO's newest straight-to-TV masterpiece, a biopic on the extraordinary life of Temple Grandin. I first read about Professor Grandin in the title essay of Oliver Sacks' An Anthropologist on Mars several years ago and was always interested in her story. I never quite got around to reading one of her many books, though.

Well done, HBO. This is how you make a movie! To quote from my original notes
, I thought that this movie was "beautiful. Beautifully written, beautifully acted (Claire Danes -- very, very well done!) and beautifully shot." Seriously, I have to give the biggest thumbs up to Claire Danes, who demonstrated what it means to commit to character. My girlfriend asked me, "How much time do you think Claire Danes spent studying or talking to Temple?" and I can only think "...a lot." This was one of those instances where you see the actor becoming the character -- seamless. The supporting cast also did a wonderful job (big ups to Catherine O'Hara and Julia Ormond -- beautiful performances as well).

Of course, as with any movie, what is most important is the story that is told and how the writer and director decide to tell it. The audience is never meant to feel sorry for Grandin. Rather than pushed toward pity, I felt called toward compassion (you like the alliteration?). I was reminded of the tremendous power of curiosity and the true necessity of having a willingness to understand others.

Final Grade: A

This movie was watched on 2/07/10.
This review was written on February 18th, but postdated for continuity.

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