Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chalk (2006, Mockumentary)

Movie #5: Chalk (2006, Mockumentary)

Most movies about teachers completely fall short of reality. This is not one of them. Of course, this is a very sharp, current satire … but the writer/director must have been a teacher himself or must be very close with at least one, because wow. So, so true. So many times, I found myself remembering similar situations from my own first (and second, third, fourth and fifth) year of teaching.

What is very nice is that this movie pokes fun at the modern school environment without mentioning the fact that our kids are completely over-tested (which is truly an important issue, but it gets a lot of airtime – and issues like teacher happy hour and awkward relationships with colleagues, parents and students affect me a lot more on a day-to-day basis). I’m not a huge fan of handheld camera shots and wish that overall production value was higher … but the writing and acting are fantastic. One of my personal favorites scenes would have to be the School Spelling Hornet, where teachers have to spell slang. Amazing.

Final Score: A

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Pregnancy Pact (2010, Made For TV Drama)

Movie #4: The Pregnancy Pact (2010, Made For TV Drama)

As someone who remembers vividly this breaking story from Gloucester as well as a teacher who sees teen mothers every day, I was very excited for this movie. It was intense and addressed a very important social issue but I was thoroughly disappointed by how much of the movie focused on the scandal of it all, rather than the actual emotional, psychosocial and plain economic side effects that come along with teen pregnancy. There were, of course, moments that addressed these issues – and they were truly (particularly where Thora Birch’s character’s true history is revealed!) the strongest, most engaging and truthful moments of the entire film. I wish they had allotted more time for those moments; they are much more important than playing out the “Not our kids!” motif.

Final Score: C-

This movie was watched on 1/30/10.

The post was written on January 31st, but was postdated for continuity.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Too Young to be A Dad (2002, Made For TV Drama)

Movie #3: Too Young to be A Dad (2002, Made For TV Drama)

As part of a sexually-active/pregnant teenager movie marathon leading up to the world premiere of Lifetime's newest movie, The Pregnancy Pact (see next entry!), the network aired this fine film one Saturday. I managed to catch this one. Okay, so by "managed to catch" I really mean "set my DVR to record" ... details!

This is, indeed, an interesting addition to the standard Lifetime “sexually active teenager” subgenre. Perhaps the weirdest part was its cast – from a pre-Little Miss Sunshine Paul Dano to the ubiquitous Kathy Baker. The plot was unabashedly predictable and cheesy, but what else could you really expect when you’re looking at a Lifetime movie?

The best performance, undoubtedly, was from Paul Dano. To watch his transformation from late-blooming intellectual type-A student to an awkward seducee to a terrified but morally-centered father-to-be was probably the most emotional reaction that was really required of me. What struck me was how his character always tried to do the right thing. I got the idea, watching that Paul Dano had probably done a lot of thinking about how a young man might feel in this character's situation. Nice work, Dano!

Final Score: C+

This movie was viewed on 1/30/10.
The entry was written on January 31st but postdated for continuity.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet (2007, Musical Thriller)

Movie #2: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet (2007, Musical Thriller)

I am very disappointed by how little I enjoyed this movie. I’m not anti-musical at all (quite the contrary, in fact! Bring on the singing, bring on the camp!), but I think the story of Sweeney Todd could be much better told without the music (though I might have to check out a stage showing of this … just to check).

As always, Tim Burton did a phenomenal job with creating mood and his trademark aesthetic. Sometimes, though, looks just aren’t enough. Try as I might, I could not stay focused on this movie.

Final Score: D+

Movie was viewed 1/24/10.

The post was created January 31st, but postdated for continuity.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rock ‘n’ Roll High School (1979, Musical Comedy)

1. Rock ‘n’ Roll High School (1979, Musical Comedy)

Very over-the-top, very cheesy … very entertaining! If you’re looking for something that reflects reality, look elsewhere. If you’re in need of a laugh and love a goofy high-school movie, this is a great one.

Final Score: B+

The movie was viewed 1/9/2010.

This post was created January 31st, but postdated for continuity.

100 New Movies Project

I love movies. I love movies a lot. My problem, though, is that I tend to watch my favorites over and over again. I never get tired of watching my favorite characters Learn Important Lessons, watching my favorite storylines unfold, revisiting my favorite places and people and things. There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but the problem is that even though I watch a lot of movies, I haven't seen that many. That means there are so many potential new favorites out there that I never see.

Inspired by a blog friend, I decided to try to watch 100 New Movies in 2009. Unfortunately, I started around July, so I did not make it to 100 (because, as you know, I have this whole "rewatching habit"). Oh well. I think that whole failed venture really highlighted for me the extent of my habit.

A week into 2010 (January 9th, to be exact), after watching Rock 'n Roll High School for the first time* and reflecting on how much I enjoyed it and how I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before, I decided that I needed to restart the 100 New Movies Project -- this time, for real.

Now, it is January 31st** and I have only watched 4 movies so far (eep!), but I really think that with a whole year, I can make it. My progress thus far might suggest otherwise (I need to watch about twice as many to stay on track), but I've got a week off about 2 weeks from now -- and I anticipate that that will be just glorious.

At any rate, I need to get off this screen and onto my rather large to-do list for today. One task is to add another movie to January's tally. If I'm good, maybe even two!

*See next entry.
**This entry was actually written 1/31/10 -- but was postdated for continuity.
My entries might always be postdated to reflect the date I watch the movie -- I think. I don't know. I haven't decided yet. Hee!