As part of a sexually-active/pregnant teenager movie marathon leading up to the world premiere of Lifetime's newest movie, The Pregnancy Pact (see next entry!), the network aired this fine film one Saturday. I managed to catch this one. Okay, so by "managed to catch" I really mean "set my DVR to record" ... details!
This is, indeed, an interesting addition to the standard Lifetime “sexually active teenager” subgenre. Perhaps the weirdest part was its cast – from a pre-Little Miss Sunshine Paul Dano to the ubiquitous Kathy Baker. The plot was unabashedly predictable and cheesy, but what else could you really expect when you’re looking at a Lifetime movie?
The best performance, undoubtedly, was from Paul Dano. To watch his transformation from late-blooming intellectual type-A student to an awkward seducee to a terrified but morally-centered father-to-be was probably the most emotional reaction that was really required of me. What struck me was how his character always tried to do the right thing. I got the idea, watching that Paul Dano had probably done a lot of thinking about how a young man might feel in this character's situation. Nice work, Dano!
Final Score: C+
This movie was viewed on 1/30/10.
The entry was written on January 31st but postdated for continuity.
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