Saturday, February 6, 2010

7. New York City Serenade (2007, Drama)

Movie # 7: New York City Serenade (2007, Drama)

Wow. This movie was a spectacular disappointment. I mean ... it is just awe-inducing bad. I love New York City and I even have a (not-so) secret soft spot for Freddie Prinze Jr.'s weird, weird movie choices. This one was just a little too off, though. Even for me.

The movie seemed like the director was trying to color by numbers, following the style of those who have had success with other movies. The problem is that he has achieved a really inconsistent (and just plain weird) effect. At times (mostly when dealing with alcoholism or drug use), he was clearly going for a gritty Requiem for a Dream (now THAT is a killer new york movie!) effect, while at other time the film would slightly start to resemble an American Pie type movie (only not that funny). Honestly, it was just weird. Too weird. Not endearing weird.

Particularly painful is how hard these actors are all clearly working. And I think they might even be doing the best they can -- hell, the best that anyone could do (well, maybe not -- Freddie Prinze Jr. and Chris Klein are the two leads) -- with what little they were given (to be specific: lousy storylines, lousy dialogue, and obnoxious, flat characters furiously striving to be three-dimensional). The only really redeeming quality of this movie is that it would lend itself quite nicely to a drinking game. Bottoms up!

Final Score: D- (I feel it is just so not remarkable enough to earn the lowest grade)

This movie was watched on 2/6/10.
This review was written online on February 13th, but was postdated for continuity.

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