14. Poliwood (2003, Documentary)
Very interesting examination about the increasingly blurred line between Politician and Celebrity. What struck me most was the insistence on the part of the many, many celebrities interviewed is the responsibility of each one of us to be informed and to make every effort to learn. I think there was a really interesting question that was, if not answered, at least raised for discussion. As celebrities who have the attention of the American people, do they have a greater responsibility to stay current and informed? Or do they have a greater responsibility to remain quiet about their own political views?
In particular, I really enjoyed discussion with musical artists. I could not believe that CSNY was BOOed for expressing run-of-the-mill CSNY views – the shift that we’ve made from music as a standard political tool to music being more media to consume (and now politics are media to consume as well). I would have liked a more in-depth look at that.
On a positive note, watching two politically-charged movies in one day has totally revived my political fervor. Hello 2010 election season! I AM READY FOR YOU!
Final Grade: B