My favorite thing about being on the wagon as far as this project goes is that when I'm focused on watching NEW movies, I finally pay attention to all the stuff that I constantly flip past on my Netflix queue in favor of My So-Called Life episodes that I've already seen 500 times. I have had movie #4 in my queue since the very early days of even having said queue, but it has actually been on my radar ever since 1998, when it was alluded to in the classic gross-out comedy,
There's Something About Mary. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present:
#4, Harold and Maude (1971, comedy)
This movie is really, really funny. It took a while to get ahold of the particular darkness of this brand of comedy -- but once I did, I was hooked!
There's a great aesthetic to this film -- very, very '70s. I found myself particularly admiring the contrast of Harold's very formal house (and in that tomblike place, it's no wonder that he wound up so death-obsessed) and Maude's crazy-train abode.
Final Grade: A-
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