34. The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie (2010, Direct-to-Video Animated)
I'm just going to be honest: I'm not a big fan of the raunchy, go-out-of-my-way-to-be-offensive style comedy that the Drawn Together franchise uses. Do I find it genuinely offensive? Not really -- most of the time it's very sarcastic and quite clever, which is definitely more my style. So while the writers are clearly quite capable of a more mature style of comedy, yet for some reason there's a whole bunch of people who prefer all the cerebral junk delivered in a tasty potty humor shell. And I find the gratuitous raunch (raunchiness for raunchiness' sake!) kind of off-putting. But not offensive.
So with that in mind, I decided to check out the movie (I had never seen the series) prepared to roll my eyes a lot.
To my surprise, I actually liked the movie. There was plenty of gratuitous raunch, but it was all just so very, very funny. The story was fast-paced and there were some very well-written barbs in there. I may just have to check out the series now ...
Final Grade: B-